https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/45105165 …yesterday at Maccas in Sliema (Malta), I saw a lady dump her child down hard on...
The Insider - Love Betrayed
The Insider - Love Betrayed Where do I start? I am Australian and a whistle blower, like my father I do not fear authority and have a...
The Vow of Silence and a Five Day Retreat - Malta
The Vow of Silence followed by a retreat! I am taking a vow of silence raising awareness for women and children of Domestic Violence;...
The Winner
Good Always Win’s IN THE END! This morning I was sitting outside writing down some short notes on loose paper that I intend to post...
A Buddhist Story
A Buddhist Story I was seeking alternative religious practices to what my mother believed, (she was a strong Catholic) because I didn’t...