The Insider - Love Betrayed
The Insider - Love Betrayed Where do I start? I am Australian and a whistle blower, like my father I do not fear authority and have a...
The Vow of Silence and a Five Day Retreat - Malta
The Vow of Silence followed by a retreat! I am taking a vow of silence raising awareness for women and children of Domestic Violence;...
The Winner
Good Always Win’s IN THE END! This morning I was sitting outside writing down some short notes on loose paper that I intend to post...
A Buddhist Story
A Buddhist Story I was seeking alternative religious practices to what my mother believed, (she was a strong Catholic) because I didn’t...
R A P E - a desperate attempt to conquer a women who simply can not be beaten!
Forced Prostitution is RAPE! Re: Continuing my post from yesterday with regards to ‘Forced Prostitution… Earlier this week I met a...
Who's Fault Is It, for Bradley's Circumstances... 1. The detective who offered him money, sex and power beyond his means, destroying his...
Men with small ...hmmm
To Whom It May Concern, I would like to take this opportunity to make one final request prior to pursuing court action to finalise...
Miss Little Red Riding Hood in the land of...
Little Red Riding Hood in the land of hungry wolves. Notation: To Educate in simple terms, children against of gender based Violence. One...
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE. Pop star discusses how ex-boyfriend Chris Brown turned on her in brutal attack... ''He wouldn't...
To Violence Against Women - Australian Say's NO!
I got angry and I discover slap unite stuff happens 0:03 but she knows something she deserved it when kick down you're the next me she...